UPCOMING TITLE ONE EVENTS Fall Parent Information Meeting - Thursday, September 19, 2019, 6:00- 7:30 pm. Please consider stopping by the Title One table on Curriculum Night to learn about Allen's Title One program.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Title One Staff
Denise Murphy - Title One Teacher and Lori Johnson Title One Tutor
What is Title One?
-Federally funded program that is administered at the state level. -The purpose is to provide support to students and the families of students who are at risk of failing to meet grade level standards.
What does Title One look like at Allen?
-Our Title One plan is tied to the Allen School Improvement Plan. -Allen receives a budget that is used to hire additional staff, purchase educational materials, provide professional development to teachers, and support parent involvement. -Allen is a school-wide Title One building. This is determined by the percent of our students who receive free or reduced lunch. -Allen uses entrance criteria (M-STEP, NWEA, benchmark assessments) to determine who would most benefit from Title One support. -A student’s support plan is the result of collaboration between the classroom teacher, the Title One teacher, the principal, and other support staff. -A student who is Title One eligible may receive their support from the Title One staff, Reading Intervention teacher or English Language Learner teacher. -We monitor student progress and exit students from Title One when they meet the exit criteria.
How can you stay informed?
Look for emails, fliers in backpack mail or check out the website. To find the website, go to the Allen webpage, https://www.a2schools.org/allen, click on QUICK LINKS and scroll down to Title One. Contact me - Denise Murphy - [email protected]